저번 스터디 시간에 나왔던 애기인 Interpreter, Binary Translation 챕터에 Inst -> Assembly code 번역에 대해서

CISC 인 IA-32 CPU에서 어떻게 될까? 에 될까에 대한건 간단히 참조할만한게 뭐가 있을까 생각하다가

밤에 잠도 안오고 해서 잠시 OllyDebugger 사이트에 있는 Disassm.zip 받아서 봤습니다.

(마음은 IDA 소스 코드만 볼 수 있다면 보고 싶은데 ㅋㅋ)


Disasm() 함수가 도움이 될거 같습니다.


올리디버그는 다음과 같은 구조체를 Disassemble 결과로 사용하고 있었습니다.


typedef struct t_disasm {              // Results of disassembling
  ulong          ip;                   // Instrucion pointer
  char           dump[TEXTLEN];        // Hexadecimal dump of the command
  char           result[TEXTLEN];      // Disassembled command
  char           comment[TEXTLEN];     // Brief comment
  int            cmdtype;              // One of C_xxx
  int            memtype;              // Type of addressed variable in memory
  int            nprefix;              // Number of prefixes
  int            indexed;              // Address contains register(s)
  ulong          jmpconst;             // Constant jump address
  ulong          jmptable;             // Possible address of switch table
  ulong          adrconst;             // Constant part of address
  ulong          immconst;             // Immediate constant
  int            zeroconst;            // Whether contains zero constant
  int            fixupoffset;          // Possible offset of 32-bit fixups
  int            fixupsize;            // Possible total size of fixups or 0
  int            error;                // Error while disassembling command
  int            warnings;             // Combination of DAW_xxx
} t_disasm;


Readme 에 각 인자에 대해서 다음과 같이 설명이 적혀 있네요



  • pi - address of the disassembled command;
  • dump - ASCII string, formatted hexadecimal dump of the command;
  • result - ASCII string, disassembled command itself;
  • comment - ASCII string, brief comment that applies to the whole command;
  • cmdtype - type of the disassembled command, one of C_xxx possibly ORed with C_RARE to indicate that command is seldom in ordinary Win32 applications. Commands of type C_MMX additionally contain size of MMX data in the 3 least significant bits (0 means 8-byte operands). Non-MMX commands may have C_EXPL bit set which means that some memory operand has size which is not conform with standard 80x86 rules;
  • memtype - type of memory operand, one of DEC_xxx, or DEC_UNKNOWN if operand is non-standard or command does not access memory;
  • nprefix - number of prefixes that this command contains;
  • indexed - if memory address contains index register, set to scale, otherwise 0;
  • jmpconst - address of jump destination if this address is a constant, and 0 otherwise;
  • jmptable - if indirect jump can be interpreted as switch, base address of switch table and 0 otherwise;
  • adrconst - constant part of memory address;
  • immconst - immediate constant or 0 if command contains no immediate constant. The only command that contains two immediate constants is ENTER. Disasm() ignores second constant which is anyway 0 in most cases;
  • zeroconst - nonzero if command contains immediate zero constant;
  • fixupoffset - possible start of 32 bit fixup within the command, or 0 if command can't contain fixups;
  • fixupsize - possible total size of fixups (0, 4 or 8). If command contains both immediate constant and immediate address, they are always adjacent on 80x86 processors;
  • error - Disasm() was unable to disassemble command (for example, command does not exist or crosses end of memory block), one of DAE_xxx;
  • warnings - command is suspicious or meaningless (for example, far jump or MOV EAX,EAX preceded with segment prefix), combination of DAW_xxx bits;


구조체에서 cmdtype 이 궁금해서 define 값들을 보니 이렇게 나누고 있구요


#define   C_CMD        0x00            // Ordinary instruction
#define   C_PSH        0x10            // 1-word PUSH instruction
#define   C_POP        0x20            // 1-word POP instruction
#define   C_MMX        0x30            // MMX instruction
#define   C_FLT        0x40            // FPU instruction
#define   C_JMP        0x50            // JUMP instruction
#define   C_JMC        0x60            // Conditional JUMP instruction
#define   C_CAL        0x70            // CALL instruction
#define   C_RET        0x80            // RET instruction
#define   C_FLG        0x90            // Changes system flags
#define   C_RTF        0xA0            // C_JMP and C_FLG simultaneously
#define   C_REP        0xB0            // Instruction with REPxx prefix
#define   C_PRI        0xC0            // Privileged instruction
#define   C_DAT        0xD0            // Data (address) doubleword
#define   C_NOW        0xE0            // 3DNow! instruction
#define   C_BAD        0xF0            // Unrecognized command
#define C_RARE         0x08            // Rare command, seldom used in programs
#define C_SIZEMASK     0x07            // MMX data size or special flag
#define   C_EXPL       0x01            // (non-MMX) Specify explicit memory size

#define C_DANGER95     0x01            // Command is dangerous under Win95/98
#define C_DANGER       0x03            // Command is dangerous everywhere
#define C_DANGERLOCK   0x07            // Dangerous with LOCK prefix


평범한 명령어 / 스택 명령어 / MMX / 부동소수점 연산 / 점프 / 분기 / 플레그 세팅 / 반복 / Privileged / 3DNow! / ...

등 책에서 Dispatch() 함수에서 분류하는 것 보다 좀 세밀하군요 ' ㅁ . ..



그리고 이런 주석이 보이더군요


 // Correct 80x86 command may theoretically contain up to 4 prefixes belonging
  // to different prefix groups. This limits maximal possible size of the
  // command to MAXCMDSIZE=16 bytes. In order to maintain this limit, if
  // Disasm() detects second prefix from the same group, it flushes first
  // prefix in the sequence as a pseudocommand.


이런게 있군요 -_-;


MadDisasm 에선 다음과 같은걸 쓰네요

  TCodeInfo = record
    IsValid     : boolean;   // was the specified code pointer valid?
    Opcode      : word;      // Opcode, one byte ($00xx) or two byte ($0fxx)
    ModRm       : byte;      // ModRm byte, if available, otherwise 0
    Call        : boolean;   // is this instruction a call?
    Jmp         : boolean;   // is this instruction a jmp?
    RelTarget   : boolean;   // is this target relative (or absolute)?
    Target      : pointer;   // absolute target address
    PTarget     : pointer;   // pointer to the target information in the code
    PPTarget    : TPPointer; // pointer to pointer to the target information
    TargetSize  : integer;   // size of the target information in bytes (1/2/4)
    Enlargeable : boolean;   // can the target size of this opcode be extended?
    This        : pointer;   // where does this instruction begin?
    Next        : pointer;   // next code location

점프나 분기에 대한건 애도 따로 분류해주고 있군요,

SIB 가 있는데 왜 구조체에 relative 나 absoulte 가 있는진 잘 모르겠네요 -ㅅ-;

얼른 자고 일찍 일어나서 봐야 겠네요!


링크 : http://www.ollydbg.de/disasm.zip



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